lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014

Flood Stories

Flood Stories

What are similarities between the stories?

They all talk about a flood that caused the death of too much people and the destruction of a big amount of living beings, and that some people survived to the floods because of an ark built by a special human.

What are important differences between the stories?

The stories have several differences between which is that the reason of the flood are different in each story. Another one is the ending of the flood and story. The cultures are not the same and the principal characters in each story are different.

What are the gods like in the different stories?

They are kind like mad with humans, angry and demonstrate that they are superior but some of them show mercy at the end because of fear that humans showed.

What is the importance of animals in the stories?

They represent like a victim of the flood, and they need to be rescued. They also represent the nature in its entire splendor because is not changed and modified my humans.

What was difficult to understand about the stories?

Some words were new for me , they have a really different vocabulary, also that the cultures were also knew to me so I didn’t have experience reading about them.

Why do Utnapishtim, Noah, Deucalion, and Manu deserve to survive when other people will die in the floods?

In my opinion I think because they were loyal and obedient to gods and also because they were just the “chosen ones” like in every story; is a special person that must sacrifice to save everything and at the still survives.            

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