viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

Poetic Meter Assignment

Poetic Meter

Artist: Michael Bublé

Part of the song:

"You're a falling star, You're the get away car.
You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
And you're the perfect thing to say."

Now lets analize it:

You / 're / a / fa / lling  / star, / You / 're / the / get / a / way / car
You / 're / the / line / in / the / sand / when / I / go / too / far.
You / 're / the / swim / ming / pool, / on / an / Au / gust / day.
And / you / 're / the / per / fect / thing / to / say.


1st: Dactylic Tetrameter and a Catalexis
2nd: Dactylic Tetrameter
3rd: Dactylic Trimeter and a Trochaic Monometer
4th: Dactylic Trimeter

In my opinon i think i got it wrong because in tha third line i had more than one type of feet. For me, poetic meter is kind of difficult because im not good in reading and writing; i have more logical-mathematic skills.

The link of the song:

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014


 A One Man Change

Many years ago in a civilization of Egypt called The Sanjalahs, where a pharaoh named Tuntankamon ruled the population, a tradition of this civilization was to have every year a competition between the most skillful and powerful tribute form each district of Egypt. The competition was conformed by three different events were the participants (forced to compete) need to prove their intelligence to survive and also their resistance. In the Egyptian code was stipulated that the winner of the competition of the 4 districts, will have the opportunity to change anything he or she want in the Egyptian empire but nothing against the pharaoh and his family.

They day of the inauguration was approaching and each district presented their participants for the most important competition, it could be man or woman, the north district one chose a man with an extreme force of power, the south one, sent an intelligent woman, the east one an slave because of the resistance he got because of too many years of hard work in the temples and the pyramids, and finally the west district as always, chose the pharaoh’s son Palah.

All the participants had 3 weeks for preparing their selves physical and mentally. While each of the competitors were preparing for the special event the son of the pharaoh was taking lessons from his father of leading and commanding the entire empire. As in the past years, Palah has won all the competitions for 5 years and he knew that he would win the next one because “accidentally” all of the other participant will die in the different events or maybe between them.  Many people knew that the competition was made to praise their future pharaoh.

The day of the competition arrived with an amazing inauguration in the temple of the pharaoh with the exposition of the new structure of Egypt, it was like a mix between a cat and a human, they called it the Sphinx, unfortunately in the inauguration there was a earthquake that caused the rupture of the nose of the Sphinx, and as a commemoration of the 21st birthday of Palah, the pharaoh decided to keep it from that day, forever.

The first event was a race in camel across the dessert with no food or drink, just a bottle of water and a slice of bread. In this challenge Palah was the first to return from the dessert and he was completely healthy, the woman didn’t have problems because she is so smart and could organize the food, the slave could cross the complete dessert without using half of the slice of bread and half of the bottle of water and he arrived walking, because the other part of the bread and the water he gave it to the man who was so tired and his camel died in the middle of the race. The first event was conquered by all of the competitors; the pharaoh realized that the salve helped the, man so he could return because his camel was ill and poisoned before the race.

For the second try-out they must demonstrate their courage to save an important member of their family or a person near to them from a group of crocodiles in the Nile River. In this challenge unfortunately the woman died due to a bite in the hip and no one could help her because it was in the rules of the game, “A participant must die in this event and person who help the other participant will be sacrificed”. The man and Palah were the guilty of the dead of the woman, as in every thing in live, the law of the strongest. The slave didn’t about his life and saved the son of the woman that was in danger between 2 crocodiles, the rules didn’t say something about saving other person’s relative.

For the last event, the test was of life or death, 2 of the 3 participants must die before the sun set. The challenge was to survive to tigers and to the other 2 competitors; the survivor will be crowned as the champion of the competition. The event started and the tigers were released, 1 tiger per participant, Palah quickly killed his tiger because it was trained to obey Palah and he could leave the combat while the other 2 killed their tigers. The strong man had the biggest tiger and the slave had a common tiger, both of them were really hungry and angry. Half an hour passed and both competitors were still alive, when suddenly the big tiger jumped over the man and eat his complete face, the slave took advantage that both tigers were busy with the dead body and knock-out them. Palah was surprised, so he entered in the arena took a kopesh and cut off an arm of the slave. The salve scream a lot and kick Palah in the face and he fall down, when the slave was about to kill Palah all the imperial guards entered to the arena threating the slave to leave the son of the pharaoh. The salve proposed to obey the guards and left free Palah, with the condition of being crowned champion and with the wish as winner to delete this competition from the traditions of Egypt and the liberty…

At the end of the day there was no person from the competition alive, because of a poor slave contradicting the pharaoh of Egypt. After that day the citizens of that city realized the situation and revealed.

“You don’t need a cape or superpowers to be a superhero”

lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014

Flood Stories

Flood Stories

What are similarities between the stories?

They all talk about a flood that caused the death of too much people and the destruction of a big amount of living beings, and that some people survived to the floods because of an ark built by a special human.

What are important differences between the stories?

The stories have several differences between which is that the reason of the flood are different in each story. Another one is the ending of the flood and story. The cultures are not the same and the principal characters in each story are different.

What are the gods like in the different stories?

They are kind like mad with humans, angry and demonstrate that they are superior but some of them show mercy at the end because of fear that humans showed.

What is the importance of animals in the stories?

They represent like a victim of the flood, and they need to be rescued. They also represent the nature in its entire splendor because is not changed and modified my humans.

What was difficult to understand about the stories?

Some words were new for me , they have a really different vocabulary, also that the cultures were also knew to me so I didn’t have experience reading about them.

Why do Utnapishtim, Noah, Deucalion, and Manu deserve to survive when other people will die in the floods?

In my opinion I think because they were loyal and obedient to gods and also because they were just the “chosen ones” like in every story; is a special person that must sacrifice to save everything and at the still survives.