viernes, 25 de enero de 2013

19th Century videos

19th Century videos

Giuseppe Garibaldi, Hero of Italy

  • He was part of the italian army, he was the general of that army.
  • He helped in the independence of Italy.
  • He commanded a small army and went to Sicily for an expedition, but later they captured that city.
  • Garibaldi focused in the regions around Rome and leave Rome alone for a while.
  • Napoleon left Rome with the Franco-prussia war and the italians got into the city and founded de Italian kingdom.

For deeper information watch the video:

Crimean War
  • Was a war between Russia and Bulgaria VS. France, Sardinia, the Ottoman Empire and Britain.
  • This war lasted over 3 to 4 years (1853-1856) and took place principally in the Crimean peninsula. 
  • The purpose of this war was the suppression of the Ottoman Empire's territories.
  • This war came out with new inventions: the railway and the electric telegraph.
  • The Crimean war concluded with the treaty of Paris.
  • Russia suffered a great impact with this war, reducing the russian culture all around Europe.

Watch the video for more info:

Franco-Prussian War
  • A big war around Europe in the 19th century between France and Prussia and Germany got involved a little bit, which conclude with a devastation in France(France lost this war).
  • A war that marked the beginning of the modern warfare with many army developments.
  • Considered a cause of the World War l and ll because in this war were determined the allies (some with France and others with Prussia).
  • Otto Vin Bismark was a german leader and minister of Prussia, he made France and Prussia feel angry with each other by modifying the mails between both nations.
  • When the war ended, France lost 2 territories while the German Empire was created.
  • France created new weapons such as the chassepot, one of the most popular weapons in that time, with bolt action (fire and reload another bullet) and the mitrailleuse, a machine gun with full action (fire a full clip without reloading) considered useless in that war. 
  • Paris Commune was created for maintaining order in the region and was ended with the civil war.

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