miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013



This painting is named Geothe in the Roman Campagna and was painted by a german painter: Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein. In this painting he represents the first trip of Goethe to Italy in the year of 1786. The romantic is not only about the love and that things.


This painting shows the world how it is and doesn't describe it like a beautiful and perfect atmosphere. This is a painting of a couple of farmers which work daily for living, and it is the reality of their world they have to work outside the city and apart the common people and work in a farm.

"Independence of Paraguay"

Paraguay was one of Spain's colonies until the 19th century. Spain in that timewas so focused in the wars with France and other wars od Europe. Even the Spanish Viceroy in Paraguay was protected by the civilian's militia, civialian of Paraguay attacked him. The British army attacked Paraguay pretending conquering it in 1806. Paraguay won the battle and realized they could take over the Viceroy with their army. In 1810, the Spanish Viceroy surrendered and returned back to Spain. José Gaspar Rodríguez from Francia was elected president, and continued to rule until his death in 1840. Since that times Paraguay has been a republic independent.

viernes, 25 de enero de 2013

19th Century videos

19th Century videos

Giuseppe Garibaldi, Hero of Italy

  • He was part of the italian army, he was the general of that army.
  • He helped in the independence of Italy.
  • He commanded a small army and went to Sicily for an expedition, but later they captured that city.
  • Garibaldi focused in the regions around Rome and leave Rome alone for a while.
  • Napoleon left Rome with the Franco-prussia war and the italians got into the city and founded de Italian kingdom.

For deeper information watch the video: 

Crimean War
  • Was a war between Russia and Bulgaria VS. France, Sardinia, the Ottoman Empire and Britain.
  • This war lasted over 3 to 4 years (1853-1856) and took place principally in the Crimean peninsula. 
  • The purpose of this war was the suppression of the Ottoman Empire's territories.
  • This war came out with new inventions: the railway and the electric telegraph.
  • The Crimean war concluded with the treaty of Paris.
  • Russia suffered a great impact with this war, reducing the russian culture all around Europe.

Watch the video for more info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1yrAVPALxw

Franco-Prussian War
  • A big war around Europe in the 19th century between France and Prussia and Germany got involved a little bit, which conclude with a devastation in France(France lost this war).
  • A war that marked the beginning of the modern warfare with many army developments.
  • Considered a cause of the World War l and ll because in this war were determined the allies (some with France and others with Prussia).
  • Otto Vin Bismark was a german leader and minister of Prussia, he made France and Prussia feel angry with each other by modifying the mails between both nations.
  • When the war ended, France lost 2 territories while the German Empire was created.
  • France created new weapons such as the chassepot, one of the most popular weapons in that time, with bolt action (fire and reload another bullet) and the mitrailleuse, a machine gun with full action (fire a full clip without reloading) considered useless in that war. 
  • Paris Commune was created for maintaining order in the region and was ended with the civil war.

viernes, 18 de enero de 2013

10 Fun Facts About Napoleon 


Almost everyone knows Napoleon Bonaparte but here in this archive I´m not going to talk about his life, I will tell you some fun and interesting facts about this historical character.

10 Facts about Napoleon Bonaparte:

  1. At the age of 25 he took over the position of squa general and when he was 27 he assumed the position of general of the army of France.
  2. Always when he and his fleet won a battle they got the tradition of weaving a white stripe in their blue jersey.
  3. He only had one testicle.
  4. His last words were: France, army and Josephine.
  5. Napoleon is the person responsible for the broken nose of the Sphinx.
  6. His original name was Napoleone di Buonaparte but then he change it to a french version: Napoleon Bonaparte.
  7. He was send to a military school at the age of 9 and he graduated when he was 16 years old.
  8. Napoleon had an irrational fear of expenditure.
  9. He said an important phrase praising a mexican: "Give me 5 man as to Morelos and conquer the world".
  10. He did not wait for the pope to crown him, he just did it by himself.

For more interesting info about this military character please enter this link and watch the video:

